According to wise Geek a manifesto is a document that sets forth the prindples and goals of an organization. It is typically designed to medley distributed to the public its serves as an official declaration. Often the document is political in nature as is the case with the communist manifesto. Manifestos are intended for a larger audience, as it plans to enlighten them about the movement.
According to wise Geek a manifesto is a document that sets forth the prindples and goals of an organization. It is typically designed to medley distributed to the public its serves as an official declaration. Often the document is political in nature as is the case with the communist manifesto. Manifestos are intended for a larger audience, as it plans to enlighten them about the movement.
Thou the ages of art an culture the have been
manifestos created we are only going to look at 5 manifestos that were created
in art
• Dada
• Surrealism
• Expressionism
• Futurism
• Cubism
The Dadaeriters and artists were concerned shock , protest, and nonsense. They rebelled against the horrors of war, the decadence of European society, the shallowness of blind faith in technology progress, and the inadequacy of religion and conventional moral code in a continent in upheaval. Rejecting all tradition, they sought complete freedom.(P.B.Meffs,A.W.Purvis,2012,Canada,Wily& sons.)
The Dadaeriters and artists were concerned shock , protest, and nonsense. They rebelled against the horrors of war, the decadence of European society, the shallowness of blind faith in technology progress, and the inadequacy of religion and conventional moral code in a continent in upheaval. Rejecting all tradition, they sought complete freedom.(P.B.Meffs,A.W.Purvis,2012,Canada,Wily& sons.)
Surrealism came from the Dada movement. Surrealist searched for the more real than teal world behind the real, the world of intuition dreams, and the unconscious realm. it was founded by a poet called Andre Breton. This young poets and artist rejected the rationalism and formal conventions dominating postwar creative activities in Paris. they found ways to making new truths, to reveal the language of the soul.
Surrealism came from the Dada movement. Surrealist searched for the more real than teal world behind the real, the world of intuition dreams, and the unconscious realm. it was founded by a poet called Andre Breton. This young poets and artist rejected the rationalism and formal conventions dominating postwar creative activities in Paris. they found ways to making new truths, to reveal the language of the soul.
Revolution against conventional aesthetic
forms and cultural norms, expressionists felt a deep sense of social crisis,
especially during the years prior to World War 1. Many German expressionist
rejected the authority of the military, education and social outcast, who were
frequent subject’s of their work .(P.B.Meffs,A.W.Purvis,2012,Canada,Wily&
Futurism was a revolutionary movement in which
all the arts were to test their ideas forms against the new realities of
scientific and industrial society.
It intend to sing the love of danger, the
habit of energy and fearlessness. Courage, audacity, and revolt will be
essential elements of the poetry(P.B.Meffs,A.W.Purvis,2012,Canada,Wily&
Cubism came with a new artistic tradition and
way of seeing that challenged the 400 year Renaissance tradition of pictorial
art. it was founded by Pablo Picasso. it applied elements of ancient Iberian an
African tribal art and human figures. The drawing and painting of these artists
demonstrate the new approach to handling space and geometric planes, and
classical norms for the human figure are broken.(P.B.Meffs,A.W.Purvis,2012,Canada,Wily&
Different generations
1900-1924- G.I. Generation
1925-1595- Silent Generation
1946-1964- baby boom
1965-1979- Generation X
1980-2000- Millennia’s or Generation Y
2000/2001- Present - new silent Generation
The most resent of this generations is "generation z also known as the new silent generation. They are more enlightened in terms of the economy and how to use money. As much as they know how to use money spending it is one thing they like.
in our group we chose a music video of Amantobazana by Ricky Rick. The video like most of the youth is filed with materiel thing. Materiel things in todays world act as a symbol of success. In this video the artistes tell the life stories on how they came up form nothing and now they making it big in the music industry. Most of the young generation of today believe that success is determined by the the amount of women and how much money you make.
The Modernly assessed utopian world consist of
similar traits from the past like preserving the attempt of ethical Christian
values into a religiously stabled social culture. However although indirect has
a quote from a political point of view by Frederic Jameson, “what is crucial in
Marx is that the perspective does not include a concept of human nature; it is
not essential or psychological; does not position fundamental drives, passions,
lust of power, greed or pride ” .
Today many contemporary utopian seeks to evade
the urban lifestyle due to its demands for perfection being to pricey. Its as
if people now falling back on the William Morris’s behaviour to rejecting the
overlap of technology/industrial society.
We are about change
in a world filled by realistic barriers, governed to
Bind us by the laws
of society, urban society. We do not need rules to express our views to the
world , if god truly exists then the
earth shall be our silver platter/canvas depicting a nation’s blind dreams. What we see and dream
becomes more than a fantasy in and we
pursue what others choose to give up. Utopia is something said to be impossible
to reach, however we dream its fictional reality therefore it shall be possible
if not by the founders, let it be the followers. The future is always at our
disposal just like an object easily becoming our medium at any given moment.
Materialism is not about obsession but the ability to construct the right world
with a correct medium. Nothing is accomplished without sacrifice or action
mainly force.
Bend the rules, have
a break from norms should you truly wish to be reborn. An
Artist will always be
as good as his tools and his works bare the quality of a destaned future.
All is meaningless without action.